This wiki site is for internal discussion among BETTY members. The public BETTY web site, with up-to-date information about activities, is
If you need to become an editor of this site, contact Simon Gay, António Ravara or Hans Hüttel. We need your full name and your e-mail address.
There will be two separate, but adjacent, events in Madrid in September 2013.
September 23-24: the BEAT 2 workshop. This is an open workshop and will have a typical workshop format.
September 25-26: BETTY Working Group and Management Committee meetings. The WG meetings will include discussion of the state-of-the-art reports, and discussion of how to move ahead with research on BETTY topics. The MC meeting will probably be on September 26.
The members of the Management Committee are listed on the COST web site.
The email list for the MC is Messages are only accepted from subscribers, so you have to make sure that you are sending from your subscribed address.
The administrative web site for the email list allows individual subscribers to change their options.
A Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) is a research visit between countries. We encourage STSMs, as they are an effective way of starting and maintaining collaborations.
The coordinator for STSMs is Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad, Serbia). The procedure for proposing an STSM is described in this document, and you should also read Chapter 4 of the COST Vademecum. Proposals are made through the e-COST system; the access point is here.
The main points about STSMs are summarised below.
Here is a folder with general information about Horizon 2020 and here is the ICT-related section of the preliminary programme.
The joint WG meeting on 17 February 2014 will discuss future research within the Action and in particular to begin work on one or more research proposals for Horizon 2020.
The meeting will take place at the COST Office in Brussels.
Here is a list of ideas for possible projects under Horizon 2020 proposed by members of the action.
The email list for all participants is Messages are only accepted from subscribers, so you have to make sure that you are sending from your subscribed address.
The administrative web site for the email list allows individual subscribers to change their options.
The kick-off meeting of the Management Committee took place on Friday 26th October in Brussels. Here are the minutes of the meeting.